As a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) specializing in non-profit organizations, I often encounter questions and confusion surrounding Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT). Understanding UBIT is crucial for nonprofits to maintain their tax-exempt status while engaging in revenue-generating activities. In this blog, we’ll demystify UBIT and provide insights into how nonprofits can navigate this complex area of tax law.

What is Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT)?

UBIT is a federal tax imposed on the income generated from activities that are unrelated to the exempt purpose of a non-profit organization. The rationale behind UBIT is to level the playing field between tax-exempt entities and for-profit businesses. When a non-profit competes with for-profit businesses by engaging in unrelated activities, UBIT ensures that the non-profit is taxed on the income from those activities.

Understanding What Constitutes ‘Unrelated Business Income’ (UBI)

To be subject to UBIT, income must meet three criteria:

  • It is a trade or business: The activity is conducted in a manner similar to comparable commercial activities.
  • It is regularly carried on: The activity is frequent and continuous.
  • It is not substantially related to the organization’s exempt purpose: The activity does not contribute importantly to accomplishing the nonprofit’s mission (other than through the production of funds).

Common Examples of UBI

Examples of UBI can vary widely but may include:

  • Advertising sales in publications or on websites.
  • Rental income from debt-financed property.
  • Sales of merchandise or services unrelated to the organization’s mission.

Exceptions and Exclusions

There are several exceptions to UBIT, including:

  • Volunteer Labor: Income from activities primarily conducted by unpaid volunteers.
  • Convenience Exception: Businesses operated for the convenience of the organization’s members, students, patients, officers, or employees.
  • Donated Merchandise: Income from the sale of donated goods, like in a thrift store.

Calculating and Reporting UBIT

If your non-profit has gross income of $1,000 or more from an unrelated business, it must file Form 990-T with the IRS and pay UBIT on the taxable income. Calculating UBIT involves deducting business expenses from gross income, similar to a for-profit business.

Strategic Considerations for Managing UBIT

1. Understand Your Activities

Carefully analyze your revenue-generating activities to determine if they might be subject to UBIT. Understanding the nature of your activities is the first step in managing UBIT liabilities.

2. Maintain Good Records

Keep detailed records of all income and expenses related to potential UBI activities. Good record-keeping is essential for accurate UBIT calculation and reporting.

3. Seek Professional Advice

Given the complexity of UBIT regulations, it’s advisable to consult with a CPA or tax advisor who specializes in non-profit tax law. They can provide guidance on UBIT issues and help ensure compliance.

4. Consider the Impact on Your Mission

Evaluate how engaging in unrelated business activities aligns with your organization’s mission and values. While generating additional income can be beneficial, it’s important to consider the potential impact on your tax-exempt status and public perception.

5. Explore Alternatives

If UBIT is a significant concern, explore alternatives to generating income that are more closely aligned with your mission or fall within the exceptions to UBIT.

The Role of a CPA in Managing UBIT

As a CPA specializing in nonprofits, I can assist in:

  • Identifying activities that may generate UBI.
  • Advising on UBIT compliance and reporting.
  • Assisting in strategic planning to minimize UBIT liabilities.
  • Providing guidance on maintaining tax-exempt status.


Understanding and managing UBIT is essential for non-profits to ensure compliance and maintain their tax-exempt status. By carefully considering your activities and seeking professional advice, you can navigate UBIT regulations effectively.

Enhance Your Nonprofit’s Financial Understanding

For more insights into non-profit financial management, including navigating complex areas like UBIT, I invite you to download my free e-book, “7 Mistakes Nonprofits Make in Financial Management.” This resource offers valuable guidance to help your organization manage its finances effectively. Download your free copy here and take a significant step towards strengthening your nonprofit’s financial health.